I'm Proud to Be Me!

ISBN: 9781598352863

New product

Specifically designed to teach Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies, this collection of rhyming books is perfect for your integrated curriculum. Through inspirational poetry and gorgeous illustrations, children will learn how basic concepts, like expressing emotions, the life cycle of animals, and changes on Earth and in the sky, are connected to their daily lives. 


Format Paperback
Grade level Grades 2-6
Grade level Grades 1-2
Age Group Ages 10 to 12
Age Group Ages 7 to 9
Age Group Ages 13 to 15
Age Group Ages 4 to 6
Genre Poetry
Genre Fiction
Subject Language Arts
Subject Science
Subject Art
Subject Reading
Subject Social Studies
Topic Reading skills
Topic Arts
Topic Humor
Topic Rhyme
Topic Games
State Standards Common Core

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