¿Un MURO seguro-uro-uro?

ISBN: 9781598355604

New product

In a very beautiful and limitless land called Happyland, all kinds of animals lived together peacefully enjoying nature. But one day, a gigantic wall suddenly appeared there separating what was once united. Could they find a way to get back together again? This book talks about real solutions to obstacles, and promotes values of love and solidarity. 


Format Paperback
Grade level Grades 2-6
Age Group Ages 7 to 9
Age Group Ages 10 to 12
Age Group Ages 13 to 15
Genre Fiction
Subject Language Arts
Subject Reading
Subject Social Studies
Topic Animals
Topic Behavior
Topic Community
Topic Environment
Topic Friendship
Topic Nature
Topic Peace & Love
Topic Rhyme
Topic Self-esteem
Topic Social skills
State Standards Common Core

Once upon a time in a very beautiful and limitless land called Happyland, all kinds of animals lived together peacefully enjoying nature. But one day, a gigantic wall suddenly appeared there separating what was once united. A bison, a bear, a rattlesnake, an armadillo and other animals got stuck in North Happyland, and their other animal families in South Happyland. All of them tried one by one to pass from one side to the other using their best skills. But the wall was too thick, too strong, and too huge. What could they do to reunite what was separated by that wall? Could they find a way to get back together again? This book talks about real solutions to obstacles, and promotes values of love and solidarity. 

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